Saturday, November 30, 2019

Conceptual Anaylsis of Manets, Luncheon on the Grass Essay Example

Conceptual Anaylsis of Manets, Luncheon on the Grass Essay Conceptual framework analysis: Le dejeuner sur lherbe (The Lunch on the Grass), (1863) Artwork: One of his most famous paintings Le dejeuner sur lherbe (The Lunch on the Grass), was rejected by the prestigious Salon, however he was exhibited in the Salon des Refuses. This composition features juxtaposed well dressed men with a nude woman. His influence on this painting was the Judgement of Paris by Raphael and the Concert Champetre by Giorgione’s, both of which featured naked women with clothed men. This juxtaposition of the two fully clothed men and a naked woman caused a great controversy as it was seen as greatly taboo for a woman to be sitting causally with two men in a public place. The nude female’s body appears somewhat luminous and her gaze is directed at the viewer, this could be seen as a further grab for attention by the artist, drawing the viewer’s attention to the nude female’s body. The two men accompanying the woman seem to be ignoring the woman as they are engaged in deep conversation. Their posture and facial expressions give one the impression that they are not at all astonished at the woman’s presence. We will write a custom essay sample on Conceptual Anaylsis of Manets, Luncheon on the Grass specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Conceptual Anaylsis of Manets, Luncheon on the Grass specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Conceptual Anaylsis of Manets, Luncheon on the Grass specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The woman in the background bathing in the stream also seems ignorant or unbothered by this other nude woman sitting with the men. She appears rather large for figure supposes to be in the background and gives one the impression that she is floating or supernaturally present. The artwork features Manet’s signature blend of blocks of dark/black colours with contrasting lighter colours, the latter of which was influenced by the Impressionist movement, newly emerging at the time. Artist: Edouard Manet was a French painter who was born on January 23 1832 and who died on April 30 in 1883. He was a pioneer when it came to approaching modern-life subjects in his work, bridging the gap between the art movement’s realism and impressionism. His father, a judge, wished for Manet to pursue a career in law however he rejected this for a career in the arts, encouraged by his uncle Charles Fournier. He studied under Thomas Couture and Gustave Courbet, and began to paint in the style of Realism with focus on homeless people, cafes, events and scenery. However he produced very little historical, religious or mythological paintings. He was also influenced by other impressionists, very much so by Monet, this lead him to use lighter colours whilst retaining however use of blocks of black, unlike other Impressionists. His final days were filled with much pain as he died from syphilis. Audience: The Salon des Refuses was established as a reaction against the Salon’s jury refusing a large number of works (above 4000), which made other critics (some even conservative ones) at the time to say ‘that the jury had no right to reject an honourable mediocrity, or at least not before long and deliberate consideration’. The Salon des Refuses was commissioned by the Emperor Napoleon III who was ‘Wishing to let the public judge the legitimacy of these complaints, The Salon des Refuses was recognized as a jumbled mass of different kinds of art but this allowed the public to be presented with an alternative ‘repertoire’ to the usual romantic and classic characteristics of paintings largely sanctioned by academic and art officials. Some critics praised the Salon des Refuses realising that their art world was being prevented from moving forward into the future ‘The artists will always find the attentive public to receive an original try, because creation is one of the most precious qualities of art’, while others critics ridiculed the Salon des Refuses saying the ‘This is not Art’. Some have said that the Salon des Refuses had a ‘greater impact on the artists than the public’ as the exhibition inspired the new generation of artists to explore new art movements. The Salon the following year deliberately reduced it’s number of rejected works from 70% to 30% so that what was left to be exhibited in the Salon des Refuses were mainly unfinished and indecisive works. The Salon also in that same year exhibited Manet, which was placed ‘in the best place’. The Salon administration was able to manipulate the Salon des Refuses from gaining wide critical acclaim, press and the public’s attention. This caused the Salon des Refuses of 1964 to lack that same spontaneous sensationalism as the previous one. The Salon des Refuses is regarded as a turning point in the history of art and 1863 has been described as ‘the most convenient date from which to begin any history of modern painting’- Encyclopedia. com World: During the 19th century in Paris, art and artists were rapidly growing numbers, leading Paris to become ‘Drunk with Art’. After the French Revolution ‘the Salon’, a previously exclus ively owned gallery, was officially open to the public, it exhibited paintings and sculptures by member of the Academie Royale de Peinture at de Sculpture, a jury system was introduced in 1748, and the event became annual. However as the jury became increasingly conservative/academic artworks relating to the impressionist style were almost always rejected, preventing the acceptance of new art movements and promoting conservatism in art. This made it difficult for the Impressionists to have a successful career, as an artist’s reputation and legitimacy was only made concrete if it was exhibited in the prominent exhibitions, especially the Salon. During the year of 1863 an unusually large amount of works were rejected, this lead to the establishment of the Salon des Refuses, an exhibition held of works rejected by the jury of the Salon. The Salon des Refuses were highly ridiculed by critiques which included the work Luncheon on the Grass. Thanks to the Salon des Refuses the impressionists were able to successfully exhibit their works, which meant a greater chance of success in their careers. However Manet still seeked for acclaim by the original Salon as he wanted to be recognized as a traditionalist although he dabbled in his works with Impressionist characteristics. In 1881 the French government withdrew their sponsorship from the official Salon and the show was taken over by the Societe des Artistes Francais.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What You Can Do With a Degree in Sociology

What You Can Do With a Degree in Sociology A lot of people take their first sociology course simply to fulfill a college requirement, not knowing much about the field before stepping into that first course. Soon after, however, many fall in love with the subject matter and decide to major in it. If this is you, you may be asking yourself, â€Å"What can I do with a degree in sociology?† Most people who think of themselves as sociologists or have the word sociologist in their job title have graduate training, but B.A.s in sociology apply the sociological perspective to a wide variety of jobs in such sectors as business, the health professions, the criminal justice system, social services, and government. What You Can Do With an Undergraduate Degree in Sociology As a strong liberal arts major, a B.A. in sociology provides several things: The undergraduate degree provides broad preparation for entry-level positions throughout the business, social service, non-profit, and government worlds. Employers look for people with the skills that an undergraduate education in sociology provides, like research, critical thinking, and analytic skills.Since its subject matter is intrinsically fascinating, sociology offers valuable preparation for careers in journalism, politics, public relations, business, or public administrationfields that involve investigative skills and working with diverse groups.Many students choose sociology because they see it as a broad liberal arts base for professions such as law, education, medicine, social work, and counseling. Sociology provides a rich fund of knowledge that directly pertains to each of these fields. What You Can Do With a Graduate Degree in Sociology With advanced degrees (M.A. or Ph.D.), the more likely it is that a job will have the title sociologist, but many opportunities existthe diversity of sociological careers ranges much further. Many jobs outside of academia do not necessarily carry the specific title of sociologist. These include the following, among others: Sociologists become high school teachers or faculty in colleges and universities, advising students, conducting research, and publishing their work. Over 3,000 colleges currently offer sociology courses.Sociologists enter the corporate, non-profit, and government worlds as directors of research, policy analysts, consultants, human resource managers, and program managers.Practicing sociologists with advanced degrees may be called research analysts, survey researchers, gerontologists, clinical sociologists, statisticians, urban planners, community developers, criminologists, or demographers.Some M.A. and Ph.D. sociologists obtain specialized training to become counselors, therapists, or program directors in social service agencies. Today, sociologists embark upon literally hundreds of career paths. Although teaching and conducting research remains the dominant activity among the thousands of professional sociologists today, other forms of employment are growing both in number and significance. In some sectors, sociologists work closely with economists, political scientists, anthropologists, psychologists, social workers, and others, reflecting a growing appreciation of sociologys contributions to interdisciplinary analysis and action. Updated by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Even Talent Requires Revision

Even Talent Requires Revision Even Talent Requires Revision Even Talent Requires Revision By Maeve Maddox A reader commenting on Dont Be Too Eager to Publish says: While I may agree that lengthy detail is unnecessary, I believe you are far too critical of the opening passage. Reading  with interest is a very personal matter. Why put a writer in a box where he must conform to the  way in which  a daydream is described? The reader makes a valid point. Although my opinion of the opening paragraph in question is that it could be improved, there is nothing so bad about it that it couldnt have appeared in a successful novelIF it introduced a compelling story. An unexceptional writing style alone is not enough to sink a book that is well-plotted and/or has fascinating characters. The DaVinci Code illustrates the point, as does the first Harry Potter book. A writers voice, like a readers preference, is a personal matter. Once a writer has found the voice that fits him best, he neednt pay too much attention to critics to whom it doesnt happen to appeal. Writing style, however, is only one aspect of a finished novel. Plot, characterization, and pacing are what pull the reader along. Self-publishing authors may have plenty of potential as writers, but their novels often suffer from insufficient revision. Bernard Malamud said First drafts are for learning what your novel or story is about. Revision is working with that knowledge to enlarge and enhance an idea, to re-form it. The first draft of a novel is not the novel. Its a lump of clay to be worked on during subsequent drafts. Some writers may go through ten or twelve drafts before they feel that the manuscript is ready for submission. Others may manage with two or three. Careful outlining may reduce the need for numerous drafts. Other factors are individual thought processes, previous experience, and the type of novel being drafted. The important thing is to get that first draft on paper without worrying about writing style. The next most important thing is to be willing to revise until each word contributes to a carefully-crafted scene that advances the story and keeps a reader turning the pages. Easier said than done. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:45 Synonyms for â€Å"Food†35 Genres and Other Varieties of FictionGlimpse and Glance: Same or Different?

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Property Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Property Law - Essay Example †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦broadly, I think what must be shown as constituting factual possession is that the alleged possessor has been dealing with the land as an occupying owner might have been expected to deal with it and that no-one else has done so.†6 Another condition that may invoke such possession right includes an intention to possess the land7 without the consent of the actual owner8. One of the salient points noted by Browne Wilkinson in allowing the judgment for the defendant was the issue of whether the defendant squatter had â€Å"dispossessed the paper owner by going into ordinary possession of the land for the requisite period without the consent of the owner.†9 Adverse possession will not be valid if the illegal occupant gives written notice of the true owners10 or if the actual owners physically occupy the land. After twelve years of occupation, the squatter on a land may apply for registration of title as proprietor of a new or registered estate11. Therefore, by w ay of these limitations, the granting of title to the squatter was provisional and the required time period had to elapse before a squatter could legally claim the title to the land. However, the issue of ownership did not rise in this case. But according to the provisions of the new Land registration Act12, which came into force on 13 Oct 2003, squatters may directly put in an application for ownership. The law relating to adverse possession has undergone several changes, whereby the issue at stake is not title to the land, so much as direct ownership of the land, either by the squatter or the paper owner. In a recent case, the Court suspended the possession order against a widowed mother who had enjoyed possession of land for thirteen years13. However the Land registration Act of 200214 clarifies that no matter how long the possession of the land, it will not bar the paper owner’s title to the registered land. Adverse possession in itself will not give the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Consultation and Collaboration Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Consultation and Collaboration - Research Paper Example Collaboration is essentials when ensuring that all students, including those with special needs, are included in the general classroom appropriately. The teachers and their counselor collaborators must also be aware of what the best approach to the use of collaboration to the benefit of the students is. Owing to the fact that teachers normally do not possess qualifications that are necessary in the provision of the best possible education to all students, using a counseling expert aids in the creation of appropriate environments for learning. While collaborative consultation happens away from the general classroom, whereby the counselor provides information to the teacher in the general classroom, it can also occur where a counselor consults many teachers in more than one classroom through offering help to students without being present during all lessons in the general classroom (Coleman & Yeh, 2008). The most popular form of consultation today in schools is the collaborative proces s model, while the expertise-driven model is a less popular method. In this collaborative consultation, the counselor works with the teachers in the school as a partner or as a co-expert (Kampwirth & Powers, 2012). This is different from the expertise-driven model of consultation that has the counselor as the only expert for the topic. Collaborative consultation is mainly focused on the building of rapport, finding solution to problems, as well as building the capacity for systemic-organizations, groups, or individuals to benefit the identified population of clients or single clients (Kampwirth & Powers, 2012). School counselors who use collaborative consultation processes can involve teachers and school principals as co-experts during the identification of contributing factors and the generation of solutions to issues concerning absenteeism of students (Kampwirth & Powers, 2012). The school counselor in the expertise-driven model undertakes the whole process alone in order to deter mine the best possible solution, which they then provide to the schoolteacher. School counselors are influenced in choosing the correct method of consultation based on various theoretical paradigms that govern the counselor’s and teacher’s viewpoint (Brigman, 2009). There is varied support for the framework of consultation with particular model premises being easily tested through the use of linear and empirical means than others. For this reason, it is essential for counselors in the school setting to investigate the framework that is supportive of their practice in effect. With regards to the developed frameworks for consultation, there are three main frameworks, which include behavioral-eclectic consultation, mental health consultation, and systemic-organizational consultation. The framework for mental health consultation focuses mainly on capacity building with regards to individual counselors so as to help them work well with their clients, issues that concern the ir clients, as well as the organizational context (Brigman, 2009). The behavioral-eclectic model of consultation has its main focus on the alteration of problem behaviors that are clearly articulated and engaged in by the clients whom the teachers have already identified. The process through which clients are involved in behavior change has the ability to improve individual counselor capacities. The framework of systemic-organiza

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Bluewater Case Study Essay Example for Free

Bluewater Case Study Essay * Was built on an old quarry brownfield land. * Employs around 7000 people. * Good disabled access and a range of things to do for all people. * Bluewater makes sure it remains sustainable – it has high operational standards, water usage is measured and controlled, energy is reduced as much as possible, it has a lake and wildlife area to introduce biodiversity, community partnerships, as little chemical use as possible and green transport e.g. buses. Positives of Bluewater * Was built on an old quarry brownfield land. * Employs around 7000 people. * Good disabled access and a range of things to do for all people. * Bluewater makes sure it remains sustainable – it has high operational standards, water usage is measured and controlled, energy is reduced as much as possible, it has a lake and wildlife area to introduce biodiversity, community partnerships, as little chemical use as possible and green transport e.g. buses. What does Bluewater have to offer? * Over 300 shops, * Over 50 restaurants to eat and drink in, * A cinema, * Boating and cycling facilities, * A mini sports stadium, * Places to cook, read, play on a computer, * Advice centres, * Homework help. What does Bluewater have to offer? * Over 300 shops, * Over 50 restaurants to eat and drink in, * A cinema, * Boating and cycling facilities, * A mini sports stadium, * Places to cook, read, play on a computer, * Advice centres, * Homework help. A bit about Bluewater * Bluewater is an out-of town regional shopping centre – (definition: a shopping centre containing over 50,000 square metres of gross retail area offering a wide range of comparison goods and services) * Bluewater is located in Greenhithe, Kent and is 17.8 miles east south east of London. A fifth of the UKs population are within an hour’s journey of Bluewater. * Bluewater has capacity for 13,000 cars, is close to the M25, has over 60 busloads arrive every hour and has train and coach links making transport links easy. * It is the largest out of town shopping centre in Europe- cost  £350m to build A bit about Bluewater * Bluewater is an out-of town regional shopping centre – (definition: a shopping centre containing over 50,000 square metres of gross retail area offering a wide range of comparison goods and services) * Bluewater is located in Greenhithe, Kent and is 17.8 miles east south east of London. A fifth of the UKs population are within an hour’s journey of Bluewater. * Bluewater has capacity for 13,000 cars, is close to the M25, has over 60 busloads arrive every hour and has train and coach links making transport links easy. * It is the largest out of town shopping centre in Europe- cost  £350m to build Negatives of Bluewater * Because of the amount of people travelling long distances to the site, congestion can be a problem, as well as noise and air pollution. * Although there are many bus links, they are not necessarily all over the country and access may be difficult for those who do not have cars. * Because many people from the area will chose to go to Bluewater rather than local CBDs, these areas begin to lose business and a lot of money. Negatives of Bluewater * Because of the amount of people travelling long distances to the site, congestion can be a problem, as well as noise and air pollution. * Although there are many bus links, they are not necessarily all over the country and access may be difficult for those who do not have cars. * Because many people from the area will chose to go to Bluewater rather than local CBDs, these areas begin to lose business and a lot of money.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Struggle of the Zapatatista Movement: Seeking a Solution after 10 years :: Essays Papers

The Struggle of the Zapatatista Movement: Seeking a Solution after 10 years "There hasn't been much change. We're still poor," Isaac [A Zapatista Rebel since 1994] acknowledged, as he cast a glance over [his hometown’s] wooden shacks and shoeless children. "But at least now people are aware. -Isaac, Zapatista Leader Since the Beginning (CNN Wolrd Article) Introduction: The indigenous community of Chiapas, Mexico has been struggling for hundreds of years, ever since the inception of the Spanish conquest. The Indians of Mexico (and especially of Chiapas) have been dehumanized and have been rejected of constitutional rights throughout history. For this reason, and other related reasons, the indigenous population of Chiapas has suffered from hunger, lack of health care access, poverty, loss of agricultural land, and racism over the past four centuries. In particular, the majority of Mayan populations in Chiapas are often forced to bear injustices and infractions of natural human rights. Set deep in the thriving green and fertile jungles of southeastern Mexico, Zapatistas have maintained a resistance movement to stand up for the injustices endured by the approximately 2.3 million people who live and die in the Chiapas countryside. A war broke out in Southern Mexico on New Year’s Day of 1994, 10 years ago. In its first military actions, the Ejà ©rcito Zapatista de Liberacià ³n Nacional (EZLN) demanded from the Mexican federal government democracy, liberty, and justice for all Mexicans. Led by Subcomandante Marcos, the Zapatistas demanded autonomy from the government, legal recognition of Indians in Mexico, demilitarization, and the redistribution of agricultural lands. But time and time again these rights continue to be denied. No president has been able to reach an agreement with the Zapatistas. The war still continues, although the negotiations have halted. The bloodshed still continues, and yet there is still no solution to this conflict. A solution that satisfies both the Mexican government and the Zapatistas is attainable. A proposed Solution involves a 4 part solution to the four demands of the Zapatistas: health care, indigenous rights, demilitarization, and redistribution of land. But first, a comprehensive history and causes for the lack of success of the movement must be discussed. . History / Reasons for Lack of Success of the Zapatista Movement: The Zapatista movement has generally failed to achieve tangible improvements for the indigenous community of Chiapas. There are three key causes for the inability to reach an agreement with the Mexican Government. Contemporary economic policies, the elitism of the Mexican political state, and continued intrusion from international foreign powers such as the U. The Struggle of the Zapatatista Movement: Seeking a Solution after 10 years :: Essays Papers The Struggle of the Zapatatista Movement: Seeking a Solution after 10 years "There hasn't been much change. We're still poor," Isaac [A Zapatista Rebel since 1994] acknowledged, as he cast a glance over [his hometown’s] wooden shacks and shoeless children. "But at least now people are aware. -Isaac, Zapatista Leader Since the Beginning (CNN Wolrd Article) Introduction: The indigenous community of Chiapas, Mexico has been struggling for hundreds of years, ever since the inception of the Spanish conquest. The Indians of Mexico (and especially of Chiapas) have been dehumanized and have been rejected of constitutional rights throughout history. For this reason, and other related reasons, the indigenous population of Chiapas has suffered from hunger, lack of health care access, poverty, loss of agricultural land, and racism over the past four centuries. In particular, the majority of Mayan populations in Chiapas are often forced to bear injustices and infractions of natural human rights. Set deep in the thriving green and fertile jungles of southeastern Mexico, Zapatistas have maintained a resistance movement to stand up for the injustices endured by the approximately 2.3 million people who live and die in the Chiapas countryside. A war broke out in Southern Mexico on New Year’s Day of 1994, 10 years ago. In its first military actions, the Ejà ©rcito Zapatista de Liberacià ³n Nacional (EZLN) demanded from the Mexican federal government democracy, liberty, and justice for all Mexicans. Led by Subcomandante Marcos, the Zapatistas demanded autonomy from the government, legal recognition of Indians in Mexico, demilitarization, and the redistribution of agricultural lands. But time and time again these rights continue to be denied. No president has been able to reach an agreement with the Zapatistas. The war still continues, although the negotiations have halted. The bloodshed still continues, and yet there is still no solution to this conflict. A solution that satisfies both the Mexican government and the Zapatistas is attainable. A proposed Solution involves a 4 part solution to the four demands of the Zapatistas: health care, indigenous rights, demilitarization, and redistribution of land. But first, a comprehensive history and causes for the lack of success of the movement must be discussed. . History / Reasons for Lack of Success of the Zapatista Movement: The Zapatista movement has generally failed to achieve tangible improvements for the indigenous community of Chiapas. There are three key causes for the inability to reach an agreement with the Mexican Government. Contemporary economic policies, the elitism of the Mexican political state, and continued intrusion from international foreign powers such as the U.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Napoleon and Modern Society Essay

Benjamin Franklin once said â€Å"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. † I could not agree more with this quote. There have been so many countries that have fought for their freedom, including the U. S. and France, but the question is how quickly these countries would be able to sacrifice those hard fought liberties for their safety. When comparing France under Napoleons reign and the U. S. after September 11th you find that one thing they have in common was that the people were in a state of uncertainty and confusion. Both countries had lost loved ones, both countries felt unsafe and scared. In that situation, the people turn to the government for help just as a small child turns to their parent when they feel scared. What a lot of people don’t realize is that you can trust your government to help you, but even the best of people can be corrupted by power. Napoleon Bonaparte, the greatest military genius of his time, came to power in France in 1799. The people of France were sick of the bloodshed of war, and hated their government. They were in limbo, stuck and unsure what to do next. That’s when Napoleon caught their eye. He was a young commander and chief of all the French forces, and he won every fight. He was someone who displayed strong leadership skills, and the people were drawn to him. One thing about Napoleon that holds true is that he knew that he was a â€Å"military genius†. He pushed his luck multiple times especially when he convinced the Directory (France’s Government) that he could cut off British trade to Asia by occupying Egypt. He ended up being defeated, but when he slipped away to France he made sure that that loss was wiped clean of his record. With the help of the people he overthrew the French Government; he established a consulate of three men to govern France. Of course he was the First Consul, who held all the power. But like many corrupt leaders of the past, Napoleon started getting influence by power. He did many helpful things like modernizing the government; he founded the bank of France, and reorganized higher education. But what some people don’t notice when reading about these things is that in the new school system, the children were taught respect and discipline, they were being brainwashed to a certain extent to respect their government. Napoleon established something called the Napoleonic Code. It was established in 1804, and the code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs go to the most â€Å"qualified†. The people of France followed Napoleons lead because he showed that promise of being a good leader in the beginning. He gave the people hope that they would see better days, and they did to a certain extent. But one mistake they made was giving up their freedoms to do so. They wanted change so badly that they were willing to sacrifice their freedoms! Now I understand that the French people had been through the worst of worst, and Napoleon took advantage of that to a certain extent. French history shows that without law as the foundation, a society is compelled to use means of violence to bring human freedom. More bloodshed was the last thing France needed, but returning one of my first thoughts, they were in a state of uncertainty and confusion. Now in America, we all know about how we fought for our freedoms in the revolutionary war. Freedom in America is why all kinds of people immigrated over. America was a â€Å"Safe† place. I think for all of us, September 11th came a huge shock. My generation is one of the last that are able to remember that day. Never had there been something like this before, never had America suffered through a National Crises. The once safe place was not safe anymore. The American people entered into the same uncertainty and confusion the French had been in. We turned to our government for help; no matter what we had to sacrifice we wanted our safety to be returned. That was a big mistake. A poll was taken in 2011 for the anniversary of September 11, regarding our freedoms. 76% percent of people believed that our country is headed in the wrong direction. When asked how much confidence they have in the people in charge, only 14% had a great deal of confidence in our Executive Branch of Government and only 5% percent in our congress. Not surprisingly 65% have a great deal of confidence in our military. I think the most surprising of all would be when asked the question â€Å"if someone from another country were to ask you to make a list of specific rights and freedoms you have as a resident of the United States, what would be the first think you would put on the list? † 48% of people answered freedom of speech/expression/opinions, basically the 1st amendment. 6% of people didn’t even know. When I considered which is worse; a domineering government or the attitudes of the people who will allow themselves to be dominate, I have to say that I think the second one is the worst. The people of the domineering government know what they are getting into, they know they don’t have a lot of freedom, but what is terrible is people having these freedoms and giving them up. If America stays on the path that is on, we are headed into a dark future. People need to open their eyes and see that counties like France who fought over and over again for freedom and then simply gave it up, ended up in a place we don’t want to be in. We have the freedoms so many people die for every day, and we are willing to sacrifice that for safety. Safety is important, but what is even worse is not being able to choose.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

American Dream or American Nightmare – Essay

American Dream or American Nightmare America and its people have upheld the concept of the â€Å"American Dream. † The meaning of this concept has changed and altered throughout the years. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, every man has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Multitudes of movies and books have depicted their personal versions of this single ideology. All having a stereo typical, happily ever after ending, but is this so-called dream even possible. I believe the American Dream is slowly dying out. In today’s society, families are struggling to make ends meet, and to ensure a good future for their children. Once upon a time the American Dream was everyone’s reality; however now this fantasy is just that, a far off fairytale, as families fight just to provide basic living needs. â€Å"A family of four earning $22,050 a year is living below the federal poverty line (Huffman). † According to this quote a salary of $22,050 a year can barely manage to keep up with the livelihood of a family of four; whereas an income of that amount ten years ago would have placed families in the middle class bracket. Over the years American household living costs have greatly increased, causing family to sink lower on the economic level. With monthly bills such as utilities, rent/house payment, groceries, and car payments, and average American family can find themselves in debt quickly. The basic American Dream boasts of prosperity and wealth. In actuality, Americans are realizing the difficulties of being financially secure every month. It doesn’t stop there. To make things more difficult, parents must worry about being able to guarantee a decent future for their children. Even though public schooling is free for kids, they have other necessities like clothing and school materials. With parents barely making ends meet with bills for the household, children will suffer by having to wear inexpensive clothing and using hand me down things. â€Å"For struggling parents, keenly aware that adolescents agonize over the social pecking order,†¦, there is a small sense of failure in telling a child she cannot have what her classmates take for granted (Johnson 183. † A parent will want their child to strive towards the highest education possible, but with that comes more expensive costs. The competitive job market today forces people to attend college, just to ensure they will land a job in a secure career field. It’s a deadly Catch 22 with young adults entering the working world. Yet they must go through this battle to be able to support themselves, because parents just can’t afford to put money into a savings. With families lacking the means to give future generations to look forward to, Americans moral is decreasing. Our perfect American family ideal that this is a land of wealth and opportunity has become endangered. ————————————————- America searches frantically for answers from the government and all other sources to fix the declining economic issues. This nation needs to be reminded what the definition of the American Dream originally was. Not being able to provide for your family while working and children who are not taught the correct values when growing up, will as a result diminish the American dream. Some remain optimistic about this concept, but I remain firm in my belief that if something isn’t done about this growing problem then the fate of this country will be in real danger. ————————————————- Works Cited Huffman, Mark. â€Å"Having a Job May Not Be Enough to Make Ends Meet† Common Dreams. 1 Apr 2011. Web. 9 Jan 2012. Johnson, Dirk. â€Å"When Money is Everything, Except Hers. † Introduction to College Reading and Writing. Svetlana Lynch. Boston: Pearson, 2006. 182-186. Print.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

What Is the W Visa Program

What Is the W Visa Program Question: What Is the W Visa Program? Answer: One of the most contentious issues during the U.S. Senate’s debate over comprehensive immigration reform was the dispute over a W visa program, a new classification that would allow lower skilled foreign laborers to work temporarily in the country. The W visa, in effect, creates a guest-worker program that would apply to lower-wage workers, including housekeepers, landscapers, retail workers, restaurant staff and some construction workers. The Senate’s Gang of Eight settled on a temporary worker plan that was a compromise between Democratic and Republican lawmakers, industry leaders and labor unions. Under the proposal for the W visa program, which likely would start in 2015, foreign workers with lesser skills would be able to apply for jobs in the United States. The program would be based on a system of registered employers who would apply to the government for participation. Upon acceptance, the employers would be permitted to hire a specific number of W visa workers each year. The employers would be required to advertise their open positions for a period of time to give U.S. workers a chance to apply for the openings. Businesses would be prohibited from advertising positions that require a bachelor’s degree or higher degrees. The spouse and minor children of the W visa-holder is allowed to accompany or follow to join the worker and can receive work authorization for the same period. The W visa program calls for the creation of a Bureau of Immigration and Labor Market Research that will operate under U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in the Department of Homeland Security. The bureau’s role is to help determine the numbers for the annual cap of new worker visas and identify shortages of labor. The bureau also will help develop labor recruiting methods for businesses and report to Congress on how the program is doing. Much of the dispute in Congress over the W visa grew out of the unions’ determination to protect wages and prevent abuses, and business leaders’ determination to keep regulations to a minimum. The Senate’s legislation wound up containing protections for whistleblowers and guidelines for wages that guarded against sub-minimum pay. According to the bill, S. 744, the wages to be paid â€Å"will be either the actual wage paid by the employer to other employees with similar experience and qualification or the prevailing wage level for the occupational classification in the geographic metropolitan statistical area whichever is higher.† The U.S. Chamber of Commerce gave its blessing to the plan, believing the system for bringing in temporary workers would be good for business and good for the U.S. economy. The chamber said in a statement: â€Å"The new W-Visa classification features a streamlined process for employers to register job openings that can be filled by temporary foreign workers, while still ensuring that American workers get first crack at every job and that wages paid are the greater of actual or prevailing wage levels.† The number of W visas offered would be capped at 20,000 the first year and increase to 75,000 for the fourth year, under the Senate’s plan. The bill establishes a guest worker program for lower-skilled workers that ensures our future flow of workers is manageable, traceable, fair to American workers, and in line with our economy’s needs, said Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. The modernization of our visa programs will ensure people who want to come legally – and who our economy needs to come legally – can do so.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Business overview of Southwest Airlines Company

Business overview of Southwest Airlines Company Southwest Airlines Company is an American low cost airline. Although the airline industry is no longer experiencing the rapid growth it exhibited during the 1990’s; commercial air travel in the U.S. remains the preferred method of transportation for a majority of Americans due to cost-effectiveness and timesaving characteristics. Southwest is the largest airline in the world by number of passengers carried per year (as of 2009). Southwest maintains the third largest passenger fleet among all of the world’s commercial airlines. As of May 3, 2009, Southwest operates approximately 3,510 flights daily. Southwest has its headquarters on the grounds of Love Field in Dallas, Texas. Southwest Airlines has carried more customers than any other U.S. airline since August 2006 for combined domestic and international passengers according to the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Southwest Airlines is one of the world’s most profit able airlines, posting a profit for the 37th consecutive year in January 2010. Southwest’s successful business model involves flying multiple short, quick trips into the secondary (more efficient and less costly) airports of major markets, and using only one aircraft type, the Boeing 737. Key Issues Southwest’s most visible problem, as with all airlines, is the drop in demand for air travel the past 18 months. While fallout from the terror attacks gets part of the blame, Kelly (Southwest CEO) says more of it goes to general economic weakness and specifically the collapse of the late ’90s technology and telecom bubble. Environmental changes are also having effects on the Industry. Budget conscious business travelers used to love Southwest, not only for its prices, but because it was so easy to buy a ticket at the last moment, move from curb to gate in minutes and be on their way. New security procedures have taken away this added convenience and have even lengthe ned the lines. Southwest operates on a first come, first serve basis and the random gate screenings, which tends to target last-minute, one-way flight passengers (a description of most of Southwest’s passengers) places fliers in the position to have to fly in the much dreaded middle seat. Analysis Models The analysis of Southwest will cover an external analysis, an internal analysis, and a SWOT analysis. External models utilized will be The Five Forces Model of Competition, Driving Forces, and Industry Key Success Factors. Internal models utilized will be a Financial Analysis, and a Competitive Strength Assessment or SWOT Analysis. The Five-Forces Model of Competition Rivalry among firms (High) The extent to which rivalry exists will influence the overall profitability of the industry. Market concentration remains a significant factor affecting rivalry. In 1989, no single airline solely dominated the industry, but the eight largest carriers retained a total market share of 92 high traffic cities with high demand. In order to gain profits, airlines must beat out the competition by offering as much or more flights with time flexibility to a variety of destinations. Other factors contributing to rivalry include high fixed costs, excess capacity, low differentiation, price wars, and readily available prices via the Internet. Due to the nature of the industry, high fixed costs are expected. Contributions to fixed costs in the airline industry include the costs of planes, fuel, pilots, flight attendants, and additional staff for baggage and customer service. The need to meet government regulations and hire experienced employees can cost an airline company millions of dollars. Currently there has been excess capacity on many routes; as a result, airlines have been participating in price wars in order to attract customers at all costs. Minimal differentiation among airlines and switching costs for passengers also magnifies rivalry.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Leisure time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Leisure time - Essay Example Moreover, gender differences also determine certain variance that exists in leisure, as men seem to engage more in leisure as compared to the females. Free and leisure time remains a crucial period for adolescents, especially those below the age of fifteen, for developmental purposes. Such development is influenced by the parental attitude towards interest and control with the motivational style on the adolescent as the mediating aspect (Olszewska and Roberts, 2009). Based on such a perspective, this paper seeks to make a determination on which goods and services are marketable in the coming decade for leisure activities for children aged fifteen years and above. Kids usually engage in various activities as a means of spending their leisure time, most especially on activities of highest interests. Considering the tremendous technological development that the world is experiencing today, the kinds of activities that kids engage in during their leisure time, have equally taken a different dimension. A majority of kids spend their leisure time on activities affiliated to technology rather than in other social activities. Ideally, on an average day, kids spend approximately 2.7 hours in a possible free time of five hours watching TV. Majorities of TV stations today vary in their programming, and, therefore, provides kids with an opportunity of broadening their view. Kids of fifteen years and above are at a particular stage of their lives in which the happenings in their environments determine their behavior and activities. Additionally, the activities that interest them most are the same ones that the kids get involved in mostly. From the chart, it is a clear indication that kids ideally, spend a better part of their leisure time in watching TV, which takes a substantive part of their leisure time at 2.7 hours of a possible five hours. TV watching is far followed by socializing and communication, which takes approximately thirty-eight minutes of the five